
My Favorite Eclipse Shortcuts For Mac

This is a collection of Eclipse shortcuts I use often: Mange Files and Projects. Alt+Enter: Show file properties of file open in the editor. Ctrl+S: Save the current file. Ctrl+Shift+S: Save all open files. Ctrl+W: Close the current file. Ctrl+Shift+W: Close all open files. F5: Refresh selected workspace element with the local file system.

Editor window:. Ctrl+E: Show list of files open in the editor. The popup can be navigated with the arrow keys and enter to switch file. Ctrl+Shift+E: Similar to Ctrl+E but a dialog.

Ctrl+M: Maximize the active window. Hit Ctrl+M to restore the original size. This works for all types of windows not only the editor. Alt+Arrow Left and Alt+Arrow Right: Go to previous and go to next file in the editor window. F12: Jump to the editor window. O office 2013 e o office for mac download.

Edit source code:. Ctrl+Space: Code completion. Ctrl+/: Comment out the current line or if multiple lines are selected comment out all the selected lines. To uncomment the lines select the lines and hit Ctrl+/ again. Ctrl+Shift+/: Add block comment around selection. Ctrl+Shift+: Remove block comment around selection. Als+Shift+J: Add element comment.

Refactoring:. Alt+Shift+R: Rename the selected element and all references. Errors:. Ctrl+-: Go to the next error in the current editor. F2: Show the error for the position under the cursor.

My Favorite Eclipse Shortcuts For Mac

Run:. Shift+Alt+X S: Run a Scala application. Displays a popup menu with possible execution commands and runs the Scala application.

A source file with main method must be open in the current editor. Ctrl-F11: Launch the application. A source file with main method must be open in the current editor or alternatively Eclipse must be configured to run the last application. Search and navigate source code:. Ctrl+3: Search all commands available. Try typing “git”. Pretty cool, right?.

Ctrl+Shift+R: Quickly search for all file names that contain a certain term in projects open in the workspace. Easy to quickly find some source file. Ctrol+O: Display a quick outline with all the definitions in the current editor. F3: Navigate to the definition of the variable/class/type under the cursor.

This blog article doesn’t show you only my Top 10 shortcuts using the Eclipse IDE. It gives you also some tipps and tricks how to survive the change from Windows to Mac OS and start developing with Eclipse. I defininitely would recommend you to learn the Eclipse Mac shortcuts.

But lets start with my Top 10 (Note: In my list you will find the shortcuts for Mac and Windows) Maybe it helps you to learn it faster. Top Description Shortcut Mac Shortcut Windows/Linux 1 Auto complete CTRL – SPACE CTRL – SPACE 2 Open / Search for resources, e.g. Files CMD – SHIFT-R CTRL – SHIFT-R 3 Open / Search for Types CMD – SHIFT – T CTRL – SHIFT – T 4 Open class outline view CMD – O CTRL – O 5 Quickfix – result depending on cursor position CMD – 1 CTRL – 1 6 Search for references in the workspace CMD-SHIFT-G CTRL-SHIFT-G 7 Show type hierarchy CMD-T CTRL-T 8 Maximize Java editor CMD-M CTRL-M 9 Delete line CMD – D – R CTRL – D – R 10 Move line/block ALT – ↑ or ↓ ALT – ↑ or ↓ So you see that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. When you switch from Windows/Linux to Mac than you have to replace the CTRL-Key with the CMD-Key in most cases. For the physiotherapists of you – the command key is located better than the Ctrl-Key and causes less stress for your hand.

Favorites Shortcut To Desktop

From my point of view I can say that I must switch between Linux, Windows and Mac a few times during a week and I have no problems to remember the shortctus. Maybe the Mac-part is saved in another part of my brain 🙂 One more thing Maybe you missed something – I didn’t mention the shortcuts for formatting the code and to organize the import statements.

My Favorite Eclipse Shortcuts For Mac Free

Please, be nice to your colleagues and use “Save Actions”! And some other people may miss the “Execute Test”-shortcut. I use and do automated builds on 😉 What are your favourite shortcuts in eclipse?