
Mc Escher's Cat Takes A Walk Imageframer For Mac

Copy and paste the following code to link back to this work ( CTRL A/ CMD A will select all), or use the Tweet or Tumblr links to share the work on your Twitter or Tumblr account. Chapter Text The first time it happens you’re five human years old, and the pain wakes you up screaming. Your right arm from wrist to elbow is stabbing and clawing at you. That’s not even the worst part though; the worst part is how you feel your flesh separate as if being cut open by an invisible blade.

Your cheek splits as something sharp and angled points into it, and bright red blood spills down your cheek and runs into your mouth. This is no nightmare; you’ve not kicked your sopor laced blankets off in the night. The feel of cuts opening up on your chest, arms and side are very real. Your knees skin themselves like someone sandblasted them and fear is thudding through you, a voiceless ‘no, no, no, this is it’ surges inside you. Karkat, what’s wrong?” Signless demands, throwing open the bedroom door and rushing in.

You’re still screeching and screaming from the pain but you notice that your ancestor must have been partway through getting dressed for work, his black trousers on but no shirt yet. “It hurts!” You wail, desperate for him to do something, anything. How did you get those- are you bleeding Karkat?!” Your breath catches in your throat, and it feels like your stomach flies up into your chest, you feel weightless and terrified like when Nepeta dares you to jump off the swing. Sharp blows hit your shoulders, your back and when your head hits a nothing that feels a lot like concrete you black out entirely.

The bed sheets under you are uncomfortably stiff, not like your sopor sheets at home and everything smells like disinfectant. Everything aches all over, and you can feel that unpleasant sticky feeling of stitches and bandages clinging to your skin. You open your eyes and see that the white sheets at your side are tinted blue and red.

You look up a little more to see The Psiionic’s stressed and scarred face. You run your eyes over the scars that run from his temples up to his horns, you know he has them all over, but you also know you’ve not seen all of them. “Hey there.” he greets gently, he must have noticed that you woke up. “What happened?” you ask and rub at your aching head, God, even your horns hurt. “You tell me, you woke up screaming bloody murder, bleeding all over the place and then I had to fly you both here.” the older troll tells you. You try and fail to put into words what happened.

“I’m guessing it has something to do with this though.” The psionic troll says, reaching out and gently tapping a claw on your right forearm. You look down at the place where the pain had first started, what had first woken you up. Where your arm was before a bare grey, there’s now a mark on it. A sword runs from just below the inside of your elbow to just above your wrist. In a ring around the blade in the middle is some weird band that when you look close at it look like endless stairs, they always seem to be going up or maybe down, you can’t tell. It makes no sense at all and hurts your head to look at it.

It’s a soul mark. A tattoo from your soulmate showing key parts of their soul and their life, it’s a way for soulmates to find each other. That’s what all the movies show it as anyway, as they age more things get added all through their life and one day they finally find each other and live happily ever after. But you’ve never seen something so violent before, and you’ve never heard of it putting someone in the hospital either. “Why did it hurt me?” you ask and The Psiionic shrugs. “The doctors have a few theories.

That’s a pretty violent symbol and this human soul mark shit can be more intense for trolls anyway because we’re not designed for it. My guess is your soulmate is in a pretty crappy situation right now, and it’s left a mark on both of you.” he says. You look down at your soul mark and ache inside in a way that doesn’t have anything to do with the injuries all over you.

Before today you had no idea that you had a soulmate, only trolls with human soulmates go through this. Trolls who like trolls just fall in love like normal people, humans are weird. But now now you feel bad for this person. When you woke up you were afraid because everything hurt and you didn’t know what was happening, but you feel like it wasn’t just your fear, it was his too.

“We gotta find them and bring them home with us, they need to be safe!” you insist, hugging your arm tight. “Not that easy, I’m afraid.” The Psiionic says unhappily. “How DARE you?!” your ancestor’s muffled yelling comes through the door, Psii’s ears prick up and his back straightens.

He sounds real mad. “You’re a mutant, you should have known not to reproduce, or something like this would happen! His mutant blood is clearly reacting badly to the human connection and-” A woman’s voice says, sharp and scolding. You shrink into yourself, mutant blood again.

Your ancestor had to leave Alternia because of it and other trolls who find out pick on you and Kankri for it too, you hate it. “That is PRIVILEGED MEDICAL INFORMATION! I could have your job!” he snarls, the noise reverberating through the door. You’ve never heard him this angry before.

“We need to go.” Psii says quietly and urgently. Red and blue light peel off the sticky pads from the machines around the both of your and whip the bedsheets back. Psii pulls you from the bed, holds you to his side and opens the door. The Signless is standing there; hair bristled in rage and teeth bared furiously at a teal lady in a doctor’s outfit. “How DARE you even imply that mutation is responsible for this?

I will not bow to your fucking EUGENICS, you-” Signless growls, the noise rattling deep in his thorax. Oh wow, he swore and really badly too! He never does that!

“Going now.” Psii says and jerks the other troll up off of the floor and pulls him close, smushing you up against your ancestor. Hospital walls blur by and then you’re all out in the cool early morning air, the sun is only just starting to rise and below you can hear the slow churn of early-morning Houston traffic and smell the car fumes.

You’ve never been afraid of falling, in all your life Psii’s never dropped you. You wonder just how far away your soulmate is right now. The three of you land on the lawnring at the edge of Houston, and The Disciple rushes outside the moment that her keen eyes catch sight of you through the window. “Oh my goodness, are you okay Karkitty?” She gasps, pulling you from Psii’s grip and into her own. You’re totally drowned in her chest and her cloud of hair.

“I’m fine, but look!” You say holding your right arm up in front of her face as she carries your inside, leaving the other two adults outside alone talking quietly. “OMG!” She gasps, pronouncing each letter individually. Inside there are already five other kids sat at the breakfast table, though Sollux and Mituna seem barely awake.


“You got your soul mark!” Nepeta exclaims, leaping up on top of her seat. Kankri dutifully signs Nepeta’s words for her, though Meulin could easily have seen the mark on her own; she’s deaf, not blind. “Did you really need to go to the hospital just for that?” Mituna asks with a thick lisp.


“Obviously he’s hurt too, look at all the bandages dumbass.” Sollux says, without a lisp. He recently lost his front teeth, and it’s improved his speech drastically, he no longer sounds like a dumbass all the time.

“No swearing!” Kankri scolds and signs at the same time. Mituna gnashes his teeth together and slams his hands on the table. “TITS, PISS, DICKS, SHIT, FUUUUUCK!” Mituna screams, pointing a finger at the outraged Kankri. Nepeta and Meulin are laughing loudly, and Sollux is just drinking the milk from his cereal bowl.

“Tuna.” Dis sighs, putting you down in your chair between Kankri and Sollux. “I’m sure I didn’t just hear a tonne of swearing coming from in here.” Your ancestor says lowly as he comes in the room with Psii’s hand on the small of his back. “Kankri told Tuna not to.” Nepeta explains through her giggles.

Well.” Psii mutters and wanders off, leaving the other adults to talk and Kankri to insistently demand punishment for Mituna. “You look bad.” Sollux says over the ensuing cross table argument.

“Yeah, but I got this.” you whisper as Kankri blathers about a swear box. You pull your pyjama sleeve up to reveal the soul mark. “That’s too cool!

It looks like a video game box; your soulmate must be so cool!” Sollux gasps in awe. None of the others have any marks yet, even the older kids who are all nine.

“You think they’re older than me?” You ask, peering down at it again. “Maybe, or they could just like really like swords a lot?” Sollux suggests. You tense, you can still remember the sting of your skin splitting open and the fear and pain that you felt. You’re not really sure that your soul mate is keen on swords. “‘m hungry.” you mumble, rolling your sleeve back down.

“Here you go kiddo, you’re staying home from school today. Psii’s gonna keep an eye on you as he works, okay?” Dis says, setting a bowl for you down on the table as your ancestor puts out cereals and milk and makes himself a bowl of his own. You munch your cereal slowly as the other kids finish up their breakfast and get ready for school with the adults chasing them about to make sure that they all do it in time. The only person who doesn’t need chasing is Kankri because he’s a stuck up goody two shoes.

He emerges from the hallway all neatly dressed with his bag in hand and stares at you, catching you in the act of sneakily giving yourself a second helping of cereal. Hey, you nearly died in your sleep, you deserve it. “The Signless said that you got your soulmate mark, can I see it?” Kankri asks. You hesitate, weighing up having to let him see it against his lecture if you don’t. You live with the guy though, he’s your, as the humans would call it, ‘brother’ although you say that he’s your bother because you being ‘wrong’ annoys him just as much as him being insulted. He’s going to see it sooner or later anyway. You pull up your sleeve and hold your arm out for him and he comes closer to look, peering at the sword.

You feel weirdly naked under his gaze and you have to resist yanking your arm back and hiding the mark. It feels private.

“Why a sword and stairs?” Kankri wonders aloud. You shrug and hide the mark again. Meulin comes into the room and eventually your ancestor and Dis manage to herd everyone else in too and then out to the cars for school. “Call me if anything changes, if I need to come home just” Signless says quietly to Psii at the door. “I’ve got it, go.” he replies and shoves your ancestor out of the door with his brain powers.

Then it’s just the two of you standing in the hallway. Your guardian looks down at you and grins, showing his jagged teeth. “Wanna go research soul mark stuff?” He asks you with a grin. “Yes!” You exclaim. You need answers and you need them now. The pair of you rush to Psii’s office where he does his computer job all day and he pulls you into his lap and opens up the internet.

You might be missing school but you’re sure learning a lot. This is what you learn.

This is young to get a soul mark but it does happen. Usually this young is because something bad and scarring happened to your soulmate or they’re older than you. The second related thing that you learn is usually soul marks appear on both people at the same time, even if it’s three or more people together like your guardians. But apparently, that's different if they're all together or if it's one person with two soulmates in the middle or- it's complicated. The first part of your soul mark is usually a core part of who a person is, and other stuff is done later.

First parts are usually things that don’t change, so people who will always be artists or musicians make that kind of mark. So it’s feelings or talents or experiences. Psii scrolls past example soul marks with crashed cars at the centre, bad stuff sticks too and deep down you know that this sword is a bad thing. Something bad happened to your soulmate.

Mc Escher's Cat Takes A Walk Imageframer For Mac Os X

You wonder what your soulmate is going to get for you. You like watching movies but that’s not really everything about you, you’ve not got any talents like your siblings.

Mc Escher's Cat Takes A Walk Image Framer For Machine

What thing makes you different from everyone else? You look down at one of your bandages and see where it’s stained through from the other side with your mutant red. You hope that it’s not that, you don’t want that to be who you are. “Is it going to hurt when it gets bigger?” You ask Psii. “It shouldn’t have hurt this much at all. Nothing here says about injuries coming up, not even in the doom and gloom section here.” Psii answers, clearly frustrated.

Great, the woman at the hospital was right, you are weird. Stupid mutant blood, you hate it.

“What about this bit?” You ask, holding your arm up and pointing to the ring of stairs on it. “I’ve seen that before” Psii says with a grimace as he tries to think. He types a few things into the computer, but he’s going too fast for you to read what he’s writing.

You lean your head back against his chest and watch a few of his bees drift lazily overhead as they bring in flower stuff from outside to their hive that does something for Psii’s computer. You don’t really get it but Sollux is way into learning about this stuff, you guess you’re just not as smart as him. If you were then that might be the kind of thing that your soulmate would get on their arm. “Huh, that’s weird.” Psii finally says and you look back at the screen to see a nearly identical set of stairs on the screen.

“That’s it!” You yell, pointing at them. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist who made mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints. His work features mathematical objects and operations including impossible objects, explorations of infinity, reflection, symmetry, perspective, truncated and stellated polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry, and tessellations.” Psii reads with a frown. “What?” You blink, you got none of that. “So your soulmate is either into or traumatised by swords and dead Dutch math artists.

You sure know how to pick ‘em.” Psii snorts, and you scowl. You didn’t get to pick your soulmate, that’s the entire point! “I’m gonna have a nap.” You declare and slide off of his bony legs. “Yeah, you need the recovery time. Come find me when you wake up, I’ll make us snacks.” Psii calls as you leave the room. You head back to your own room and crawl into your bed, pulling your sopor laced bedding over you again.

You run your fingers over your new mark and hope that your soulmate is gonna be okay.

By Ariana Grande’s No Tears Left to Cry takes place in a dizzying world where nothing makes sense. It is a twisted tribute to the elite’s sickest practice: Monarch Mind Control. Ariana Grande began her career as Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon show Victorious and she quickly became an idol to millions of children.

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Once she “graduated” to her solo singing career, it did not take long before her fans were introduced to intense sexualization and elite symbolism. That is how the industry works, over and over again. Nearly all of the artists who performed at the Manchester One show have been featured on this site for their Illuminati symbolism.

Now, one year after the attack, Ariana Grande has released No Tears Left to Cry. As if to confirm everything above, the video is replete with obvious MK symbolism. Let’s look at it. No Tears Left to Cry The song refers to the aftermath of a sad and traumatic event, one that was so hard that there are “no tears left to cry”. While there’s most likely a reference to the Manchester bombing in there, the video adds a deeper level of interpretation. Indeed, through clear symbolism, Grande plays the role of an MK slave that is lost and trapped in a dissociative state to escape trauma. The song begins with these words: “Right now, I’m in a state of mind I wanna be in, like, all the time Ain’t got no tears left to cry” The goal of Monarch programming is to cause trauma so intense that it forces the slave to dissociate from reality as a defense mechanism.

During this state, the handler can “shape” the inner-world of the slave and even change the “rules” of this world when need be. There is a reason why the movies Alice in Wonderland, and are used as MK programming tools: They’re all based on the same structure. Each movie features a young girl that is swept away into a fantasy world where anything can happen, where nothing makes sense and where anything can morph and change at any moment. This describes the mental state of dissociation as their handler controls their internal world.

(For more information on Monarch Programming, ). The video of No Tears Left to Cry is a symbolic representation of this state from the point of view of the slave who must navigate in an inner-world created by her handler. Right from the beginning, we get the sense that the video takes place in a world that is completely imaginary. It is also very dizzying and disorienting (some YouTube comments advise against watching this video while drunk). Ariana sits on the ceiling of a room, representing, again, her dissociative state.

Hanging Monarch slaves upside down is an actual technique used during programming. “Simply hanging a person upside down for one or two hours will begin to play tricks on the mind. The mind will begin to dissociate, and will begin to reverse the primordial brain functions such as pain is pleasure. The person’s mind rearranges. This is often done with Beta alters or Beta models to get them to think that the pain of sadistic rape is a pleasure.” – Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave Then things become blatant. “Convex and Concave” by MC Escher.

The mind-bending works of Escher are used in actual MK programming. “The artwork of the European artist M.C. Escher is exceptionally well suited for programming purposes. For instance, in his 1947 drawing “Another World”, the rear plane in the center serves as a wall in relation to the horizon, a floor in connection with the view through the top opening and a ceiling in regards to the view up towards the starry sky. Reversals, mirror images, illusion, and many other qualities appear in Escher’s artwork which make all 76 or more of his major works excellent for programming.” – Ibid. Escher’s work is also an intricate part of the movie Labyrinth –.

In Conclusion Although No Tears Left to Cry is widely interpreted as an “uplifting anthem”, there is much more going on there. And it is not very uplifting. The song, the video and the marketing campaign surrounding it are fully drenched in the occult elite’s symbolism as it portrays the singer as a mind-control slave who has dissociated from reality. The fact that this kind of blatant imagery was used in a video that is supposedly about “picking it up” after the Manchester bombing is telling. Although it might not be obvious at first, the worlds of terror and entertainment both deal in the murky waters of mind control. Indeed, those who carry out terror attacks are often the products of mind control (Delta programming) while the entertainment industry is full of MK slaves (Beta programming). For the elite, both worlds have the same purpose: To control the ambient culture, to dictate a specific narrative and to direct our collective attention towards specific acts, events, and symbols.

The same way Ariana attempts to navigate a world where nothing makes sense, the elite uses media to confuse and disorient the masses, having them look up to industry slaves to “uplift” them after traumatic events. It is time to wake up and step out of this Escher painting.