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Consider this Sundance: No one is pointing this out, that in the Oct 2015 to April 2016 time frame FusionGPS was doing “op research” for the Free Beacon Matthew Continetti and his father in law —- Bill Kristol!!!! Which is backed by billionaire Paul Singer. They originally hired FusionGPS to dig up dirt on Trump. Singer was a supporter of Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.) and Speaker Paul D.

One of Ryan closest private advisers is Singer staffer Dan Senor. Never -Trumper and uni-party establishment. They put out an ambiguous statement to the effect ” just doing op research on republican candidates for their news paper (free speech you know, first amendment cloak). This work by JC @TMW is precisely why I believe Oleg came in later asking Steele to work for him. The dossier was already underway when one considers the timing of the Ohr(s) invovlements. Oleg merely capitalized on the opportunity to -blackmail -find grace with Putin -position himself to have a greater affect on Ukraine -Get out from under whatever the Kerry SD was doing in Ukraine to control his enterprise on behalf of the future HRC admin. Which is all wonderful because in his effort to reach out to Solomon he independently outed the coup and the timing of their efforts to shore up the Trump-Russia narrative.

Precisely because HRC was looking not to stop Trump but to use the narrative to position her State craft in Ukraine as preferential and better for US than dealing with Putin. Depending on what Ohr says, dominoes could fall as far as Moscow – or other world capitals.

And MANY will fall in Washington. We just want the truth. But a LOT of people are throwing disinformation into the void, and I find their identities, types of disinformation, and degrees of commitment to the task very interesting. Slim’s Slimes is only one of the players that seems a tad sweaty under the collar. Ohr seems to be surprisingly honest. That HAS to be scaring people. It’s not just what he KNOWS.

It’s stuff he doesn’t realize is significant. Note that the third tweet concept (independence of DOJ from executive) is a flip-flop zero-to-one value that the communists so skillfully used by playing it at either extreme – between using it against Nixon (“must have independence!” = 0) to BLUFF him out of office using the FAKE NEWS, and the other extreme of Obama (Dirty AG Holder = the castle = protected every Obama crime = 1). Owning the FAKE NEWS makes all the difference. Holder is the biggest hypocrite, lying communist Soviet asset on Earth. Don’t rest until we have his CPUSA card in the GITMO TOURIST MUSEUM! I think various people in DOJ need to be asked POINT-BLANK under penalty of perjury (or WORSE) if they have been operating under “do not reveal” orders from the Obama administration. I believe the “Ben Rhodes sabotage of government against Trump”, and even the dubious opposition of the McMasteroids in NSC, was the CHUMP CHANGE.

The REAL MONEY is people tasked by SECRET ORDERS against Trump in DOJ – who were asked to basically work against Trump, and to carry out various plans that work to provide continuity for the Obama government. THIS is what Holder is doing by calling for people to not reveal their secret orders. (Although it would not surprise me if some of this was responsible for WEIRDNESS in the NSC as well.) I think that these plans PREDICATE on the illusory idea that Trump is a Russian stooge or agent, and that THIS is part of the reason for the Fake News about “Muh Russia”. Thus, in the same way I was thinking that “Muh Russia” by the Fake News media serves the purpose of keeping Silicon Valley engineers convinced that their own actions against “Russian trolls” are still OK, I think it’s entirely possible that it’s also being used to keep DOJ people bubbled, so that they follow Holder’s and Lynch’s orders, presumably based on some kind of secret directive from Obama.

What part of Sessions secretly appointed Huber LAST year to prosecute the Swamp did you miss? Hes been working with the IGs ever since. NOTHING should be made public until hes ready to go to trial.

At that time indictments will be unsealed and arrests made. Right now, grand juries meet in SECRET. Who Huber is indicting is SECRET. Who testifies before the grand jury is SECRET. Huber is dealing with massive corruption/RICO cases that involve the most famous and powerful people in the world; people who will be fiercely protected by the propogandist media.

This is one reason why PDJT has been undermining their credibility. Please think LOGICALLY. Research old RICO cases and what they entailed. Enjoy what Trump and his team are accomplishing instead of being unrealistically impatient. As Trump said at a recent rally, a turkey takes all day to cook. You cant rush it. I have mentioned earlier that there seems to be a corollary, or “cousin,” to TDS.

It might be called “Trump Correction Syndrome” (TCS), or “Trump Advise Syndrome” (TAS), or even perhaps, though they don’t mean it, “Trump Is Such An Idiot Syndrome” (TISAIS) which is suffered by people who must constantly second-guess Our President, or advise him on what he should do or say or think, or plan what his next actions MUST BE. They simply cannot be patient, and feel that they certainly know more than this man who has worked hard and smart, become a Billionaire by his own merit, watched and planned a Great Correction FOR DECADES, triumphed over ALL COMPETITION to become the GREATEST PRESIDENT this Great Country has ever had, and is now Executing his plan with EXQUISITE PRECISION while he and his precious family are under incoming fire the whole time. What are these friends of ours thinking?

Generally speaking it is some of the people farthest away from Trump that we should be concerned about, not his excellent cabinet picks. Sessions – not having a problem here – particularly since it’s been revealed that Peter Schweitzer found him to be THE more non-swampy person in Congress – hands down. Trump picked him for exactly that reason.

Although I enjoy playing the game where we yell about Jeff and then he reveals stuff. It’s quite fun. 😉 I do love the way Trump is pressuring Sessions to produce. THAT is a win-win. This is insidiously projectionist propaganda from David D. Kirkpatrick, Cairo bureau chief for the NYT in his ‘new’ book. Obviously attempting to change the history of the Cairo Embassy uprising.

Cue donkey, galabeya and video tape. That is all we need to know “There are efforts here in Washington, encouraged by some Arab states that do not support freedom and democracy, to persuade Congress to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. If they succeed, the designation will weaken the fragile steps toward democracy and political reform that have already been curbed in the Arab world. It will also push backward the Arab countries that have made progress in creating a tolerant environment and allowing political participation by various components of society, including the Islamists.” Maybe we are about to uncover some rally bad crap from the MB. For the trillionth time, google obama Dunham cia. His grandparents and his mother were spooks.

He was born into the agency. He was groomed. He worked for cia front after graduation. He worked at shady community organizer gigs where he could do some domestic surveillance of his peeps. He worked as a professor a Fine spook job. (See Stefan halper, Daniel richmon etc) great for recruiting promising students to the biz.

As a complete nobody with no record to run on he was welcomed by the deep state et al. He was not opposed like DJT. They would have stopped him if he was not a known entity to them. That is because he was and always has been one of them.

Val Jarrett was not needed to ‘Run him’. He was in it from puck drop. A central part of Madsen’s theory is that Stanley was with the CIA and welcomed CIA asset Barack Sr to Hawaii in 1959. He uses the picture to prove his theory. Unfortunately, Stanley was not in Hawaii in 1959, or at least there is nothing to prove he was. The picture in question is a going away picture from, most likely, June of 1962. Obama Sr was probably about to board a tramp steamer headed to California.


If he was working for the CIA, a tramp steamer is a terrible way to force an “asset” to travel. If Obama Sr really was CIA, they would have flown him out. Don’t get me wrong, I believe Obama Jr is shadyI just want our side to make sure our facts are right. There is nothing I see that would convince me Stanley or Obama Sr were assets of the CIA. There’s a common thread linking almost all these characters together.

Barack Obama, John Brennan, Valerie Jarrett, Christopher Steele, Peter Stzrok, Nellie Ohr– all have backgrounds with known communist sympathies, if not family histories of such. I remember hearing some far out stuff awhile back from one of those sketchy internet sources where someone claimed they were in Russia decades ago, and were talking to communists who were bragging about how someone who could be perfectly described as none other than Barack Obama would one day be the US President.

It seemed a stretch to think dedicated Communists had a plan in place that long ago and had successfully executed it. But now you look at the backgrounds of Nellie and Bruce Ohr, as George Webb points out. Nellie has written works defending Stalin and is a Russian language expert.

Bruce’s father was a nuclear physicist in Oak Ridge, TN and came from North Korea. Nellie and Bruce met at Harvard. A year after Bruce graduated his father suddenly died, and he inherited the rights to all his father’s work.

Are Bruce and Nellie the new Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Did Nellie, with her leftist roots, engage Bruce at Harvard to pass along the nuclear secrets his father knew to the East? Why would a Bruce, a kid interested in physics at Harvard, suddenly decide to go into Law? How long has this duo been working together to undermine the United States on behalf of their communist ideology? Same with Brennan, Obama, Jarrett, Stzrok et al. I have always found this tidbit from the ruling interesting. “While the government reports that it is unable to provide a reliable estimate of the number of non-compliant queries since 2012, id., there is no apparent reason to believe the November 2015 – April 2016 period coincided with an unusually high error rate.” This sentence suggests that since at least 2012, “erroneous” (as in likely ILLEGAL) searches were commonplace enough that the period Nov 215 – Apr 2016 was unremarkable in and of itself.

Which if read correctly, means this illegal activity was undertaken throughout (at least) obama’s second term. No way obama was unaware. Not a chance. And a CYA memo from Susan Rice won’t change the fact that obama is in great legal jeopardy. And THAT would explain the diversionary, non-stop media coverage of Mueller, Stormy Daniels, Russia and all the other nonsense we’ve had thrown at us by the media. The media was happy to contribute to the take down of Nixon (just look at that braying ass Carl Bernstein).

Now they’re trying to take down President Trump to avoid having to cover the indictment of obama and his criminal co-conspirators. As it’s been said before: Look to Iran Nuke deal. The spying on congressional opponents to the deal. Most of them jewish congressmen.

Which would explain Schumer’s 6 ways till Sunday warning. And feinsteins leaking.

They were blackmailed by obama and his deep state minions. Any lobbying done by aipac or Israeli govt against the deal was ‘caught’ by deep state surveillance.

And then they were threatened with espionage act violations. Whether these accusations were legally true or not, they knew they’d be kaput either way. Assumedly this type of coercion was used for Obamacare and whatever other programs obama pushed. Luckily for the USA obama was too lazy to try to hard to f everything up. Obama’s one saving grace. He liked to watch b-ball to play b-ball and to chill.

Didn’t care too much to actually f things up completely. Had Sessions not recused himself he would have either had to appoint a SC or been endlessly attacked by the media, democrats and establishment members (think Flynn). He would have been completely unable to get anything done and would have been blamed for everything that has happened with the SC. Rosenstein is a shield of sorts, Sessions doesn’t have to report on any workings within the SC because he is recused. He is able to be a public scapegoat by the President for all things which almost forces all of Trump’s attackers to support Sessions. When the hammer falls, these same people will look ridiculous trying to paint Sessions as an AG just doing Trump’s bidding.

I wonder what Admiral Rogers has been doing the last couple of years? Is het still investigating the corruption in the CIA/FBI/DOJ/NSA if not, should President Trump give him a role to assemble a team to track down all this stuff. If Rogers came to me, and exposed this stuff to me, I would ask him if he would want a task force to investigate all this corruption, and give him unlimited resources to find out how far the corruption goes.


Now Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray has access to all the un-redacted info for 1 1/2 years, why was there not a task force to expose the corruption and systematically arrest and charge people that violated the Trust of the American People. If they were interested to find out the extent of the corruption, Jeff and Chris could have put hundreds or thousands of people that could be looking into this, that is what is so frustrating for so many of us.

The lack of follow through on the FBI/DOJ to expose this. And arrests made and expose the MSM/CIA/FBI/NSA/contractors. We find out this week there was no court hearings on the FISA stuff, it was rubber stamped, and has been rubber stamped for years.

Most of us thought there was a formal hearing and the judge would ask questions about the applications. 99.6 approval given to everything the FBI put in the reports and sounds like not verified info on American Citizens. And there are others who observe Q is wrong at times he could not be, if he were as important as he says.

As for who Q really is, to work that out I observe that one major effect of Q is (as in your post) to quiet down calls for action, and another effect of Q is to persuade many good people that Trump is a liar whose true intentions are not known from his tweets but rather must be interpreted for the masses by Q who may contradict Trump directly. Further I observe that Trump never ever ever ever allows anyone to stand in this role. He has consistently fired the many who have attempted it. I conclude Q is either (a) well meaning and out of his depth, making up stuff he could not make true and having unintended effects, or is (b) malicious.


I can’t decide which I believe. Q’s researchers are good people, taking their stuff to. “Any reviewer of the information would need to be intellectually dishonest not to see exactly what this was about. The thousands of unauthorized searches, 85% of them violations of FISA laws, were transparent political opposition research being done during the primary season of the 2016 Presidential Election.” Any reviewer of the information would need to be intellectually dishonest not wonder if this same thing happened in the 2012 Presidential Election as well. Especially in light of the known and admitted corruption that occurred in the IRS (targeting Taxed Enough Already groups), etc. But if he KNOWS of the denialit narrows things.

Until now it was a treehouse supposition it was on Page I hadn’t focused on the fact that someone MIGHT have been notified directly by the presiding judge on the denial that there was warrant. So far we have two interesting FISAs to account for in summer 2016 The potential one in July that Simpson might have outed and the denial They way I am reading the Bruce Ohr revelationsis he would know about both of those If Simpson testifies about onethen Bruce was giving out FISA details. JUST INCREDIBLE if true. Means he was feeding the memos specifically. Based on a link in here by another poster, there is a public record of FISA applications denied for the year 2016.

It indicates “0” denials for 1805 warrants (electronic surveillance) in the year 2016. However, there are 8 denials for a combined application of 1805 and 1824 – which is electronic surveillance and physical search. Just a guess, but perhaps it was too overbearing and was later resubmitted for just electronic surveillance – it’s really the only answer. Unless, of course, our government lied on the public record? As uncertain as we all sometimes feel about how this is all going to work out, we should perhaps be comforted by the fact — as evidenced in his most recent tweets — that Trump knows exactly what happened and is willing, ultimately, to let it all hang out there. Mueller’s crew, despite their arrogance and vindictiveness, must know they are in a terrible quandary about wanting to get Trump and look legitimate, while risking bringing their whole house down around them and their constituents. I am sure Giuliani is communicating some harsh messages about what is coming for them, but they probably can’t stop themselves since no one has ever successfully held them accountable in the past.

It could end with a bang, or with a whimper if they try to slink away with their hides. However their continued harassment of Manafort doesn’t indicate that they have gotten any religion about their scheme posing any risk to them. They probably still think they have the upper hand because they control the levers of investigation, innuendo and prosecution and have an unbroken track record of acting with impunity. Viva la Revolucion (ours, not theirs)! Tea party didn’t go away they just stopped the public displays as they conveyed what needed to be conveyedtheir are many who feel like you do. I went to a rally on 4/15/09 prompted by the comments of Rick Santelli on CNBC.

I discovered hundreds of my fellow citizens did likewise. After that I avoid the organizations trying to commercialize the tea party movement, but I voted and began the hard work of returning the governing to the folks and I’m still committed to that goal today.

Trump is the best chance we have had since. I think the tea party is interested in results rather than recognition. If the true 1st (failed) FISA application does in fact name Trump, that’s just one MOAB right there. It would have been done before Crossfire Hurricane was “officially” started. It could also explain a lot of what President Trump has done.

He texted that Obama wiretapped him – he probably knew about the failed attempt and then the Carter Page FISA warrant. He’s not declassifying yet, as he’s letting them testify, knowing perfectly well that they are all lying. I think he’ll wait for Nellie Ohr to testify.

Exciting times! I pray for his safety. All of this, when framed inside the big-picture, is a relative part in the worldwide effort to ensure globalism keeps on whirring and humming.

The big picture paints a much larger landscape, as this goes on through many nations, over many decades, and with numerous players. President Trump is in the middle of a shit-storm, the likes of which I’m sure has him awake at night, gasping at how vast and wide this all spreads.There are many nations who will feel the ramification of all our President is attempting to expose, and it all isn’t going to happen without a YUGE fight, and I would imagine a few traumatic events to keep us snooping civilians distracted and in check.

If you’ve imagined globalism to be a weak, soft-bellied lefty, or an easily winnable gang of miscreants, think again, This is a turning point for globalist forces, and for freedom loving citizens (world wide). I hope all the Patriots along side our guy, President Trump (here and abroad, citizens of the USofA and other friendly nations) are up for the fight of our lives. May God watch over and protect all of those on the front lines, and all of us here at home. I so much agree! It is so easy to get caught up in the d.c.

Drama, the cross between a soap opera, a TRUE crime tv, and a bad John lacarre novel, that we forget this is (relatively) small potatos. It’s about Globalism vs nationalism. Ultimately, the globalists corrupted OUR government, and many others, because it served globalist interests. Donald J.Trump is an intrinsic threat to that system, and THAT’S why they HAD and have to stop him, at all costs.

They will not stop, and neither will he. It is a fight to the bitter end, no holds bar, no quarter given. This sh.reform in d.c., is simply ONE front in the war; it’s exposing HOW the corruption occurred. How Rinos, judges and yes even Democrats were corrupted; 702 searches, to find enough facts, to put together a convincing story, as blackmail. Rewards for accepting and parroting ‘party line’, such as amnesty.

Threats of exposure, ruin for you and family of refuse. And the party line was to further the goals of the globalists, which were also furthering the goals of China. It’s all connected, so don’t get so focused on d.c., that you miss the bigger picture. Never mind, figured it out. Contrary to earlier reporting in the New York Times, which cited FBI sources as saying that the agency did not believe that the private server in Donald Trump’s Trump Tower which was connected to a Russian bank had any nefarious purpose, the FBI’s counter-intelligence arm, sources say, re-drew an earlier FISA court request around possible financial and banking offenses related to the server. The first request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks; SVB Bank and Russia’s Alfa Bank.

While the Times story speaks of metadata, sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons. The FBI agents who talked to the New York Times, and rubbished the ground-breaking stories of Slate ( Franklin Foer) and Mother Jones (David Corn) may not have known about the FISA warrant, sources say, because the counter-intelligence and criminal sides of the FBI often work independently of each other employing the principle of ‘compartmentalization’. The FISA warrant was granted in connection with the investigation of suspected activity between the server and two banks, SVB Bank and Alfa Bank. However, it is thought in the intelligence community that the warrant covers any ‘US person’ connected to this investigation, and thus covers Donald Trump and at least three further men who have either formed part of his campaign or acted as his media surrogates. The warrant was sought, they say, because actionable intelligence on the matter provided by friendly foreign agencies could not properly be examined without a warrant by US intelligence as it involves ‘US Persons’ who come under the remit of the FBI and not the CIA.

Should a counter-intelligence investigation lead to criminal prosecutions, sources say, the Justice Department is concerned that the chain of evidence have a basis in a clear warrant. In June, when the first FISA warrant was denied, the FBI was reportedly alarmed at Carter Page’s trip to Moscow and meetings with Russian officials, one week before the DNC was hacked. Counter intelligence agencies later reported to both Presidential candidates that Russia had carried out this hack; Donald Trump said publicly in the third debate that ‘our country has no idea’ if Russia did the hacking. The discovery of the Trump Tower private Russian server, however, communicating with Alfa Bank, changed matters, sources report. From that link.

Judicial Watch should now FOIA -THAT- FISC/FBI interaction. Even though the FISA standard is generally thought to be less demanding than the traditional wiretap standard (it is easier to show that someone may be colluding in some way with a foreign government than that he has committed a crime), the FISA court rejected the application that “named Trump.” Five months later, the Justice Department and FBI submitted a second, more “narrowly” drawn affidavit to the FISA court. The way the Heat Street report is written intimates that Trump is not named in this October application for FISA surveillance.

The tie to Trump also appears weak: Heat Street says the FISA court was presented with evidence of a server “possibly related” to the Trump campaign and its “alleged links” to two Russian banks. The FISA court has no hearings as they would serve no purpose. This unconstitutional secret court has but one party, the affiant facing the judge. The affiant swear before the court that all information in the warrant application is accurate and has been verified to be true. There is nobody else before the court, so the court has little option but to assume the truthfulness of the application. All the judge can do is to verify that the required information is contained within the application.

If so, the judge rubber stamps the application; it’s simply a formality. Refusing a warrant is all but unheard of and has occurred but a handful of times over the life of court. The problem the DOJ, FSA, FBI, NSA, CIA and Jeff Sessions has is that the databases being searched are unconstitutional from the start; they are the fruit of illegal searches.

As such, should the behavior of the above organizations be fully exposed, the very existence of the NSA data collection and resulting searches will most probably be tested in courts. In any fair court, the NSA searches and FISA court will be found unconstitutional. Mueller is the loose cannon here, with his energizer bunny like delving into lawyers, hookers, taxes and bank fraud.

Just between us, everyone knows that the IRS says each of owes more money and each of us tells the the IRS that we owe less money, it’s the way life works. Bank fraud isn’t bank fraud, it’s dressing up your financials to look good. The loan applicant and the banker both know and expect that behavior.

Mueller is taking these tax and loan application exaggerations as opportunities to imprison and otherwise strong-arm witnesses to testify against his real target, Donald Trump. If Mueller keeps pushing, Trump is going to have to declassify the FISA warrant applications which could then lead to the loss of these courts and NSA databases. It is, after all, illegal to surveil all american all the time. As the court will say: ‘that’s not reasonable.’ Somebody is going to have to reign in Mueller before he brings down one of the neatest tools the intelligence communities has. Of course, Trump should bring down the FISA and the FBI and the CIA for abusing the FISA as they have.

The government is not at all trustworthy. “Somebody is going to have to reign in Mueller before he brings down one of the neatest tools the intelligence communities has.” ————– I’ve often thought this might be a part of the bigger picture. That there is a negotiation going on right now behind the scenes about how all of this gets sorted out. My guess is the Mueller team offered PDJT a SC report that would clear him of all the “Muh Russia!” BS in exchange for him dropping any further public disclosures of what took place. He can build the wall, MAGA, pursue his objectives free from Deep State interference if he in effect “joins the club”. Perhaps not like the others, but on terms that will sweep all of the really bad stuff under the carpet.

He’s been asked to think about what happens ten years from now when a suit case nuke is smuggled into the country.it’s then, they’ve argued, that we’ll need this NSA technology. Sure mistakes were made, and we regret them, but the country’s defense is at stake, something along these linesthe public can’t ever be told the truth because they would never accept life in a surveillance state, they would demand the NSA be shut down.

They would conclude, after hearing of the abuses, that no one can be trusted with this technology. My guess is that our President has been negotiating a tough deal with these scum bags. He wants guarantees that these abuses won’t happen again. He wants fundamental changes made to access. He wants people brought to justice. He wants his family left alone.

I suspect he’s been offered the scalps of certain people involved, as long as any public resolution of this corruption does not go up any higher than this mid-tier level of FBI and DOJ bureaucrats. The problem for the Mueller team is that they don’t have anything, they have no leverage, all the leverage is with the President. They’ve seen that the media’s constant drumbeats and fake news can’t break our commitment to this President. They know that a Red wave is coming and they don’t know what to do about it.

The FISA Court as of 5/2018 All were appointed by Roberts Judge Nom. To bench by Term Russell Clinton 2015-2022 Tharp Obama 2018-2025 Mosman Bush 2013-2020 Kugler Bush 2017-2024 Jones Clinton 2015-2022 Eagan Bush 2013-2020 Dearie Reagan 2012-2019 Conway Bush 2016-2023 Contrearas Obama 2016-2023 Boasberg Obama 2014-2021 Collyer Bush 2013-2020 P/2016 In 2015 there were also: Feldman Reagan 2010-2017 Hogan Reagan 2009-2016 P McLaughlin Clinton 2008-2015 Saylor Bush 2011-2018 Wright Bush 2009-2016 Zagel Reagan 2008-2015 P = Presiding 5 out of 7 appointments to the court since 2014 have been Clinton/Obama judges!

Tables don’t display well here Liked. The interesting question is “What drives these people to take such risks?” We can make connections to an underlying ideology of Leftism. That is radioactive in their footprints. But Nellie’s mother was a college professor. Bruce’s father a physicist. Neither come from any deprived background that would call on them to risk the ultimate penalty of treason to avenge some class grudge. In my opinion, radical egalitarianism has always been, on the part of the political Left’s inner power players, a cover for the moral perversity that is their real agenda.

When one digs deeply into the backgrounds of these people (from Marx’s ode to Lucifer in his play Oulanem to Lenin, Stalin and Bill Ayers’s cold glee at the thought of ‘liquidating’ millions of opponents), there is a common psychology of misanthropy and violent rage against innocence. These people are SICK, as Q would say. I used to think the insurance policy pertained to action that would occur after the election if Trump won, like the appoinment of Mueller.

But now when I reread Strzok’s text, which he sent in Aug 15, I think he was talking about something they were going to do BEFORE the election to prevent Trump from winning. It must have been the FISA warrant backed up by the dossier. If the first attempt at a FISA warrant (possibly targeting Trump) failed in July? So in August they decided to target Carter Page? Pursue one targeting Carter Page.

I can’t remember all of this, have to look it up was Carter Page mentioned in the dossier? If so, which installment (date)? Unless I missed him in an earlier dossier entry, Carter Page is first mentioned in Steele’s Jul 19 2016 entry. Or at least that’s the dat Steele used. I’m wondering if Page was added to the dossier after the first FISA warrant application (possibly targeting Trump) was rejected, in order to support targeting Page. That first approved FISA warrant appkucastion wasn’t approved until October, right? When was it submitted?

When did Comey and Yates sign it? And why did Yates sign it? Why not Holder? In the filing, investigators cited a number of reasons they believed it, including the FBI’s past experience in dealing with Page — who had been targeted for recruitment by Russia’s foreign intelligence service — and then-new reports the FBI was getting from a former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele.

Like hot off the presses? So after the first FISA warrant app!ication was rejected, did the traitors add Page to the dossier and then pursue a FISA warrant targeting him? How convenient. The hagiography of John McCain and the eulogy of the political elite and the spectacle of the funeral shows the imperial nature of the Deep State swamp. PDJT is an outsider and will remain one all along.

Unless and until he decides to act and launch a counter-offensive against the Deep State, they will use Mueller and state AGs and friendly prosecutors and swamp rats in the CIA and FBI to keep chipping away. Anyone expecting Sessions, Rosenstein, Wray, Huber to go after the rot in their institutions will be disappointed. It ain’t gonna happen. Any one else read the full Papa sentencing? The dates do relateif nothing else. I was NOT aware until this that Papa applied to the Trump campaign previously to working on Carson’s. Would like to know who was aware of that fact and when by Mar 1 of 2016 In the summer of 2015, George attempted to step into United States presidential politics when he applied to work for Donald Trump’s campaign.

George supported candidate Trump’s policy positions and believed that Mr. Trump was the only Republican candidate that had a chance of beating likely Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton. When George failed to secure a position with the Trump campaign, he took up with candidate Dr. Ben Carson as a foreign policy advisor. September 2018 M T W T F S S. Historical Campfire Conversations Historical Campfire Conversations. RT @: China has agreed to reduce and remove tariffs on cars coming into China from the U.S.

Currently the tariff is 40%. RT @: Macron is considering a to respond to protests in Paris.

Watch the firefighters he will rely on turn the. December 3rd – 2018 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #683.

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Monday December 3rd – Open Thread. RT @: The new migrant camp in Tijuana is about 10 miles from the US border. 2,100 migrants here so far. No one can tell us where. George Zimmerman Case Research. Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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